SULUNG DENGAN SULUNG- Pasangan ini dikatakan ‘keras’ boleh jadi tak sehaluan. Ada harapan bertekak hari-hari. Kalau sekarang masih bercinta, perlu perkasakan jiwa sebab nak bawa hubungan ke matlamat perkahwinan bukan senang. Sabar banyak2. Bertolak ansur banyak2 sebab dua2 memang nampak tegas dalam segala hal.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Serasi atau tidak..
SULUNG DENGAN SULUNG- Pasangan ini dikatakan ‘keras’ boleh jadi tak sehaluan. Ada harapan bertekak hari-hari. Kalau sekarang masih bercinta, perlu perkasakan jiwa sebab nak bawa hubungan ke matlamat perkahwinan bukan senang. Sabar banyak2. Bertolak ansur banyak2 sebab dua2 memang nampak tegas dalam segala hal.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Street Fighter -The Legend of Chun Li-
yeah..the whole day spent time with my frens.. watching movie, eat, main gendang..hilangkan tension..
Powerful forces are converging on the streets of Bangkok. They are warriors, some of whom possess extraordinary abilities, all of whom are determined to see their side prevail. Some fight for us; the others for unlimited power. Now, they are preparing for the ultimate battle—of terror versus beauty, light versus darkness, and good versus evil.
The forces of darkness are led by Bison (Neal McDonough), a crime boss of seemingly limitless power, and whose past holds a shocking secret. Bison's syndicate, Shadaloo, is taking over the slums of the Thai capital, a task overseen by Balrog (Michael Clarke Duncan), a massively built enforcer and killer. Also in Bison's employ is the assassin Vega (Taboo, of the group The Black Eyed Peas), a masked talon-wielding warrior, whose weapon is tailor-made for slashing and stabbing attacks. Bison's attache is the beautiful but deadly Cantana (Josie Ho).
As Bison instigates a wave of violence in the slum districts, grabbing power and land no matter what the costs to its residents, a team of heroes emerges. Chun-Li (Kristin Kreuk) is a half-Caucasian/half-Asian beauty who gave up a life of privilege to become a street fighter, battling for those who cannot fight for themselves. Her kung fu master, Gen (Robin Shou), once a feared criminal, now fights for the forces of good. Equally determined to stop Bison is Interpol cop Charlie Nash (Chris Klein), who has tracked the crime boss all over the world, and Nash's partner, gangland homicide detective Maya Sunee (Moon Bloodgood).~sini~
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Blood Donation + Incident yang memalukan..
Resital Hall UMS..
23hb Feb 2009
Aku dengan happynya pg la menderma darah..yelah, mungkin darah aku diperlukan oleh mereka2 yang lebih memerlukan..lagi2 aku darah O+ve..suma orang leh terima darah aku.. Masuk nie, dah 3 kali aku derma darah..sebelum nie kat KL..mungkin 1 hari nanti, aku plak yg memerlukan darah...(palis2)
Disebabkan aku x sarapan pagi tu, so hemoglobin aku rendah..slow jek dia aku still leh derma dengan nasihat nurse tu, aku kena la minum milo kotak tu sebelum kena cucuk jarum..ok..but then aku nie degil x kena tempat kot..aku x minum n terus jek menyerahkan tangan kiri aku dengan staff yang nak cucuk jarum tu..
Kali nie aku derma 350cc..ehmm..banyak ke tu..??ntah la..sebab sebelum nie aku derma 250cc jek..ok kot...hmmm..
aku habis dulu dr, aku pun blah la amik sijil n free gift yg ditaja oleh ayambrand, The Times n ?? x ingat dah..ikram abis jek, so kitorang gi la tunggu bas nak balik IP..
Damn!! ada plak incident yang memalukan..soooo embarrassing...tgh dok makan roti tu tiba2..
atie: rasa nak muntah la..
ikram: jangan ckp..minum la air..
atie: pening aa (sambil tundukkan kepala)
ikram: jangan tunduk kepala..nti lagi pening..n bla bla bla..sedap jgk biskut nie..
tu la ayat last yg aku dengar..pastu aku pun x sedar apa lepas tu..sedar2 jek, aku terbaring atas bangku kat bus stop tu..aisehmen..nie takleh jadik nie..(sambil tutup mata)..Ya Allah, mesti ramai orang kat bus stop nie..aku kena jugak bangkit..even kepala aku masih lagi pening..n perut aku mual nak muntah..nasib baik la ada ikram n sorang kakak tu kat bus stop..tolong sedarkan aku..huhuh..ishkkkk!! malu malu malu..aku pun gagahkan diri nak kepala aku sakit sgt..then kakak tu kasik aku baring lagi..dlm seminit mcm tu, aku nak jgk bangun..mana bleh jadik nie, takkan aku nak baring jek kat situ..ishkkkk!! xnak xnak..aku pun duduk n bersandar kat tiang..pastu aku suruh ikram call adik..mintak amik kat bus stop..nak naik bas, dah terlepas dah..nak tunggu next bas, aku x larat..dlm 15 minit mcm tu, adik pun smpi..haha..apalah nasib aku nie..ngok betul..
kul 2pm tu aku ada plak lab Evo..sempat la aku rehat2 dlm sejam..pastu gi lab..
mlm tu kitorang makan kat Sri Melaka KK..boleh tahan la makanan dia..
tp, pitam jd isu td...huhu..malu malu malu..!!
Monday, February 23, 2009
At the absolute height of World War II, German generals hatch a daring plan to assassinate Adolf Hitler and effectively render the German war machine impotent. Directed by Bryan Singer, Valkyrie stars as Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg, the real-life mastermind behind the elaborate plot known as Project Valkyrie: a plan to assassinate Hitler and overthrow his government from the inside. Stauffenberg has been a loyal soldier and an asset to the Reich for his entire military career, but after losing an eye, a hand, and three fingers in an Allied bombing, he reaches a breaking point. The destructive madness that his country is unleashing on the world has become too terrible for the colonel to stand silent. He joins the resistance movement -- a treasonous act, punishable by death -- and risks his life and the life of his family for the chance to change history. Comprised of high-ranking officials working in secret, the German Resistance has access to the inner workings of the government and military, putting them in the perfect position to dispatch the dictator and then use his own official contingency plan to seize power -- before the army, the S.S., and loyal party members can put someone just as diabolical in the Führer's place. ~ Jason Buchanan.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
arini main netball plak..dah la semalam punya sakit lepas futsal x abis tambah plak dengan netball..ditambah plak dengan sakit hati ngan bdk2 X tu..haish..bikin panas jak..actually, nak salahkan sapa2 pun x guna..sebab xtau sapa yg salah...ehmm, tu yg salah bg inform la nie yg patutkan di salahkan..kata kumpul jam 9am..sampai2 jek dah abis game n kata kitorang lmbt n takleh main lagi..laaaa..penat2 jek aku datang kalo mcm tu..bukan apanye, sebab bg aku tu bukan salah kitorang..tu salah ajk dorang yg handle x betul..dah la semalam masa main futsal pun kitorang jgk jd mangsa hanya sebab ajk tak bg info yng betul kat peserta..kejap kata kul 8 la..kejap lagi kata kul 9 la..disebabkan 1 team tu lewat, team kitorang plak yg jd mangsa kena main 2 match serentak..just bg rehat 5minit jek..tu nak membunuh namanya tu..
arini plak, bila kitorang lambat disebabkan info yg x betul tu, team kitorang dikira disqualified...haishhhh!! nie bisa mendatangkan marah nie..ehmmm...sabar tie sabar...huhu..x guna nak ingat..menyakitkan hati jek...
nasib baik la di atas budi bicara kitorang, so game dijalankan seperti biasa...n td kena lawan 2 team lain..walaupun kalah, tp aku tetap puas hati jugak..sebab at least IT ada jgk hantar wakil..
Kalo nak diikutkan, budak IT ngan bdk Engin tu mmg x sehaluan..dr zaman berzaman la bak kata senior..diorang tu kerek jek lebih..huhu..tak suma la mcm kebanyakan yg aku jumpa memang kerek la..yelah, memandangkan course IT ada 2 jek, so penyertaan apa2 event yg dijalankan mmg kurang mendapat sambutan dr budak IT..diorang mcm tak berminat jek..huhu..apa buleh buat..
anyway..just enjoy the game td..haha, aku dah le x reti main netball..asyik2 kena tiup wisel tu kalo aku gi rebut bola..huah2..ada2 jak x kena..ehmmmm...
so, nie la dia team aku..main import2 pemain lagi..hehe..alah, bukan dorang tau pun..keke..
Top from left: Mag, Ipang, Ain, Suhaila, Aku, Wan, Afie
Bottom from left: Suriana, Ardhiana, Hadra, Mel, Murada
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Top from left: Ipang, Murada, Mazie, Afie, Suhaila
Bottom from left: Wan, Aku, Mag
Friday, February 20, 2009
Piala Dekan (Bowling)
Kul 7pm td aku ada tournament bowling piala dekan kat CP..yeahh!! our team leading the game.. cayok2..Kitorang wakil dr course HC05 Networking final year..last year bah..kasi kurang2 tension tu skit.. Meyl selaku manager a.k.a penyokong yang di import khas dr sekolah lain..hehe..thanks meyl sebab bg semangat..SHOULDER!!! huhu..
(from left: Meyl, Wan, Maz, Aku, Afie)
Esok ada plak lawan Futsal..yeah!! so skng nie time to rest..kena rehat2kan kaki nie..esok kena kuar tenaga yg byk..
nite2 world...
Penggunaan BAH yang betul..
3) Memberi maksud sudah, atau penghabis kata. Pengganti dalam bahasa Melayu ialah "Baiklah", atau "Begitulah".
Contoh ayat BM Sabah: "Boy, nanti ko pigi beli beras di kadai sana." Boy menjawab, "Bah."
Oleh itu marilah bersama-sama menggunakan Bahasa Sabah dengan betul, jangan memalukan diri anda dengan kononnya menggunakan Bahasa Sabah tetapi sebenarnya salah.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Ter Tag from Not The Shoe
Here are the rules - post this list on your profile replacing my answers with yours.
My family..mish u muaaahh!!
pants = Black jeans..
Pink n White..
ayam masak kicap + Ikan bakar mak aku..
entah la..
Apas Ranggu Tawau Sabah
Tiba2 Rajin Pun Datang..
banyak benda nak citer kat sini, tp disebabkan malas, aku tangguh lagi n lagi n, aku taktau la kalo suma citer2 yg aku simpan tu akan terpost mlm nie suma sekali..haha..atau akan ada ka lagi sambungan di hari lain..we'll c..huhu..
14.02.09(Happy Valentine's Day..)
Kuar umah gi makan kat jati..Pastu nak gi ums nak cucuk duit..ingat nak jalan2..
sekali kat depan 1borneo tu ada plak minah sekor ni yang betul2 wat aku cuak n geram sgt2..
boleh pulak dia wat catwalk kat tgh2 jalan raya tu..nak2 plak tu, dia benti betul2 kat tgh2 jalan raya n pi tgk keta kat jalan sebelah plak..apa punya ngok minah nie..x faham aku..kalo benti kat tgh2 yg ada line puteh tu takpe la kat laluan keta..dah bg hon pun masih jugak x reti2 nak lari..ikram tekan break smpi tayar keta bunyi..nasib baik la baru tukar tayar..N nasib baik jgk la minah tu sempat melangkah setapak..kalo tak, aku rasa dah kena senggol dah..Hish!! nak je aku turun dr keta n g kat minah tu lempang2 kat muka dia..menyirap tul la darah aku..sepanjang2 tu kitorang membebel mengenangkan kisah minah ngok sekor tu..huhuh.
Kat 1B, lepaskan gian gi main bowling..sakit tangan aku bawak bola 12kg tu la..adeh... pastu gi main gendang la cam besaa..pastu g tgk wayang..Geng Upin & Ipin..kelakar gila tgk citer nie..comey tgk Upin n Ipin..boleh tahan jugak la cite animasi Malaysia nie..
12.02.09 (Besday Awg Hanizam)
Harini Mazie wat surprise besday utk mr Awang Hanizam..Buat kat Kampung Nelayan makan2..Thanks maz sebab open table..hehhe..Besday Awg sepatutnya 13hb..Tp sebab yg tak dpt dielakkan, so maz pun wat la sehari awal..
p/s this 2 pic aku curik dr tima to mr ah wang..hehe..
Actually, benda ni dah aku nak jugak post kat sini memandang kelisa adik aku nie belum jugak di repair..huhu..
punya sedih aku melihatmu..berat mata memandang berat lagi bahu yg, berat lagi hati tuan punya keta..huhu..
For the 2nd time kitorang makan kat NYNY..
Happy Besday to my Lovely Fren Wan Nazatul Aminah..Hope all ur wish come true..after class AI, kitorang beramai2 serbu KFC kat IP nak celebrate besday wan..mcm biasala, yg meriahkan majlis sapa lagi kalo bukan geng2 HC05..mun, cb, ikram, awg, andy, how, alu n adik aku pun ada sekali menyibuk..hehe..
Monday, February 9, 2009
Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me
You’re on the phone with your girlfriend
She’s upset
She’s going off about something that you said
‘Cuz she doesn’t get your humor like I do…
I’m in the room
It’s a typical Tuesday night
I’m listening to the kind of music she doesn’t like
And she’ll never know your story like I do’
But she wears short skirts
I wear T-shirts
She’s cheer captain
And I’m in the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up
And find what you’re looking for
Has been here the whole time
If you could see that I’m the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can’t you see,
You belong with me
You belong with me
Walkin’ the streets with you and your worn-out jeans
I can’t help thinking this is how it ought to be
Laughing on a park bench, thinking to myself
Hey, isn’t this easy
And you’ve got a smile
That could light up this whole town
I haven’t seen it in a while
Since she brought you down
You say your fine
I know you better then that
Hey whatcha doing with a girl like that
She wears high heels
I wear sneakers
She’s cheer captain and I’m on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up
That what you’re looking for
Has been here the whole time
If you could see that
I’m the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can’t you see
You belong with me
Standing by and waiting at your back door
All this time how could you not know
You belong with me
You belong with me
I remember you drivin’ to my house
In the middle of the night
I’m the one who makes you laugh
When you know your about to cry
And I know your favorite songs
And you tell me about your dreams
Think I know where you belong
Think I know it’s with me
Can’t you see that
I’m the one who understands you
Been here all along
So why can’t you see
You belong with me
Standing by and waiting at your back door
All this time
How could you not know
Baby you belong with me
You belong with me
You belong with me
Have you ever thought just maybe
You belong with me
You belong with me.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Tag from Kak Iza n Kak Ria..
Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
ok, here goes...
1. people call me atie..i missed when people call me as blackmoon and yiko..its about a long2 time, im stick with name atieabid..anything that need me to register,i'll just pick my nick as atieabid..easy to remember..i dont like to use any nickname that no relate with me again..
2. Love to play bowling..
3. i dono how many times i got changed my cellphone number..hahaha..
4. i always exchanged my hp..but just only 1 that i bought with my own salary..haha..the rest i got free from my lovely sister..haha..
5. Love window shopping..haha..sometimes just hang out with my buddies..not really shopping..just jalan2 carik makan..menghabiskan loan..hahaha..
6. Love blue color, but i dont have any blue t-shirt to wear..haha..most my shirts are pink..ehmmm..i wonder i look girly when im wearing pink shirt..??with pink scarf??haish...pinko pinky..
7. im not gamerz person..dulo2 RO with my lovely kak iza..n after i came back from KL, i never play any games anymore..but now, hahaha..i falling in love with ikariam online game..just simple game..jaga bandar.. ^_^
8. i cannot live without internet..haish..mcm mo mati ja rasa...
9. i bought my 1st laptop with my ptptn loan..hahaha..n my desktop was sent back to kampung..
10. Love blogging..just filling my free time..even if im not free actually..haha..curi2 masa..and i like to read other people blogs..
11. the time i borrowed my sister's car, i bumped other car's behind so scared to tell my sister..hoho..i thought she must be angry..but as she knew it, she just laughing...hahah..thanks God..after that, drive carefully lol..
12. Love to singing..just in myroom or in toilet with my sumbang voice..aha..because my vocal is lari pitching..very dangerous if other people hear it....bisa pengsan tauk..
13. in IP, i dont have many frens..i just got wan n mel to accompany my breakfast, my lunch, my dinner n my supper..hhaaha..and i really missed my fren at KL..huhuh
14. Love to collect computer's stuff..
15. Love to read novel..favourite novel is terbitan Alaf 21..but my bad habit is i will finished 1 novel for 2 weeks..even though the novel is the thin 1..haha..
16. Do assignment last minute..and then got headache..padan muka..
17. Always stay nite at campus for group discussion..
18. i love my younger sister very much...she is my best fren, she is my bestie..i love her..and i always count her to be there when things are good, bad or horrible..
19. Love to save best quote in my draft message..
20. Love to chat with Kebayan..he is always give a good idea and nice advice when i hv problem..he had married on last, i dont think i can hve chit chat with him again..huhu..
21. Love to travel..but dont have money..haha..punya kasian..
22. i never like teh tarik before...but when i drink it for the 1st time, i realize that how stupid i am for the long time..haha..sadap oo..lain kalo leh order lagi..
23. when i 17th years old, i have thought before to be married at the age of 25...but now i am 26 years old....haiyaaa...but still in 'bangku sekolah' menuntut ilmu..haha
24. i wish i can fly..can meh..??
25. Love to take photo..anytime anywhere..
p/s..hahaha.. grammar hancus... sorry, its not enuf to tag 25 people..
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Christina Aguilera - Falling in Love Again (Can’t Help It)
What am I to do, I can’t help it
Love has always been my game
Play it how I may
I was made that way I can’t help it
Men cluster to me like moths around a flame
And if their wings burn I know I’m not to blame
Falling in love again I never wanted to
What am I to do I can’t help it
Hanya Sandirawa
1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer
3. You must write that song name down NO MATTER HOW silly it sounds.
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
5. Put this on your journal/blog.
The results:
1. If someone says, “Is this okay?” … you say?
Satu Kata - Agus & Erny Smanza..
(satu kata jek akan kuar, yes or no...)
2. How would you describe yourself?
Lelaki cadangan - T2
(aduih..kena batang idung oo!!)
3. What do you like in a girl?
Khayalan Masa - One Buck Short
(asyik2 menghayal jek aku nie..)
4. How do you feel today?
Cinta Yang Sempurna - 6sxth Sence Ft Neo Letto
(aha..i dont think so...)
5.What is your life’s purpose?
You Belong To Me - Taylor Swift
( belong to me babe..!)
6. What is your motto?
Kelentong - Ahli Fiqir
(Takde keje aku asik nak kelentong orang..huhuh..)
7. What do your friends think of you?
Sayang - Ajai & Marsha
(harap2 dorang tau aku sayang diorang..muahh!!)
8. What do you think of your parents?
Right Now - Akon Ft Kat Deluna
(I need my parents right now..mish u mum n dad..muahh!!!)
9. What do you think about very often?
Akan Tiba - Alif
(Akan tiba kah saat itu..??)
10. What is 2 + 2?
Madu 3 - Ahmad Dani
(haha..x cukup ada 3 bini, genapkanla 2+2=4..cukup kuota baa..)
11. What do you think of your best friend?
Kau Bunga Cintaku - Anuar Zain
(yeah..I love my frens...)
12. What do you think of the person you like?
Asmara - Aura Kasih
("kat sini pun nak berasmara ke" - ayat wan siang td..hahah!!)
13. What is your life story?
Rawan - Azharina
(Yahh..aku rawan dengan hidup aku...)
14. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Aku Pasti Datang - Bunga Citra Lestari
(yeah..aku pasti akan dtg ..apa neh..??)
15. What do you think of when you see the person you like?
Yang Lalu Biarlah Berlalu - Bunga Citra Lestari
(jangan diungkit kisah lama..)
16. What will you dance to at your wedding?
Situasi - Bunkface
(tgk situasi la camana..haha..)
17. What will they play at your funeral?
Dem Girls - Caprice Ft Darnien of V.E
(demn question!)
18.What is your hobby/interest?
Falling In Love Again - Christina Aguilera
(haishh...takde maknenye..)
19. What is your biggest fear?
Hilang - Cinta Ft Galih (Ost Cinderella)
(Yup..Aku takut kehilangan...huhu..)
20. What is your biggest secret?
How I Like It - Rihanna
( i like it....)
21. What do you think of your friends?
Bad Girls - Rihanna
(uppsss...!!sory my frens..i never thought u like that....)
22. What will you post this as?
Hanya Sandirawa - Riz
(Adakah suma ini hanya sandiwara..??sampai bila..??)
I want to tag pemilik blog berikut:-
Siti Fatimah Nabihah
tu jek kot...kalo korang dah wat tag nie, just abaikan ok..thank.. =)
Monday, February 2, 2009
Happy Besday To My Nurek2..
Harini 02.02.09 plak besday Naiem...Happy besday cayang Naiem..Naiem dah masuk 5 tahun dah..dah masuk tadika dah pun..makin petah mulut dia sembang ngan aku..malam nie kak anna wat la makan2 kat umah dia di semporna..mak, ayah, abg2 aku suma ada kat sana..punya best...huhu..Nina n Fahmi x pegi..esok nak sekolah...alalalala..
dia nie nakal skit..ensemboy..jangan besar nti jadi player dah la..ahahaha....
Lusa plak 04.02.09 besday nurek aku Ahmad Fahmi...masuk yang ke 12 tahun..ishk2..besar sdah c Fahmi..x sedar2 dah nak bujang dah pon..dah pandai pasang awek..aisemen..kalah macik dia nie la..aku zaman sekolah rendah tu, xdenye nak kapel2..budak zaman sekang nie,adeh..ensem jugak nurekku nie...ehmmm..hehehe...
macik sayang nurek2 macik suma..happy besday to all of u..hope all the happiness will always be with tu my dear..emmmuuuaahhh!!!!
Purse ku Sayang..
2. Introduce your wallet brand, price and where you bought it..
--->> Brand Hilly, i donno price and where this purse was my sister yang bg..hahaha..
3. Take out whatever is inside ur wallet..
1. IC
2. student card
3. bank card
4. lesen keta
5. tiket wayang pon ade haa..
6. bermacam2 jenis kad pun ade dlm nie..
7. hahaha..bateri hp aku sekali ada dalam nie..spare..
8. duit yang x smpi ujung bulan nie..haha..
4. snap picture of your wallet with yourself